Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Tonights post is a little sad.,us-aircraft-crashes-in-gulf-search-on-for-missing-crew-member.html

Please pray for Billy and all the other sailors aboard the Eisenhower! Please pray for no more casualties and a safe return back to their loved ones!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

a sense of accomplishment

On March 20th, 2010 I ran my first 8k! I have never really been a runner, but as a "birthday gift" to my friend Becky, I signed up with her and ran my little booty off at 8am! My time isn't very impressive, a whopping 1hour and 13minutes for 4.97 miles!! The truth is, I have never really been a runner or even like running, but this has really changed me! Once I have set that time, I now want to beat it.... so I have signed up for the Cinco De Mayo run on May 1st! Yay me!!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010


The title speaks for itself. Im sorry that I have not updated this blog as much as I wanted to. Basically everything right now is a work in progress!

The wedding is coming along really well! We have less than 7 months at this point. I've finally narrowed down most everything, minus the ceremony musicians, officiant, bridal party dresses, and guest count. I went to pick out my wedding invitations a few days ago, and I must say that they are pretty amazing! I got a wonderful deal on them (30% off)!!!

The house is getting put back together at the moment. As you all know, I posted pictures of the snow damage, well we finally got approved on our insurance claim so the construction has begun! It should be done in the next few days!

Billy is doing well! They still are out to sea and have not had a port call yet! Im sure they are all getting stir crazy! Its like Groundhog day every day for them!

Hope everyone is doing well! I promise that I will try to be better with this blog, but please dont hold me to that! Love you all!

Monday, February 1, 2010

of all things......

This snow is going to kill me! Earlier this morning I heard a big crash/boom/screech sound. Naturally I thought that there was a car accident outside and ran to the front of the house. I didnt see anything, so I turned back to the living room and saw my cats eyes bugging out in the kitchen. I looked out the window and what did I see? The overhang for the driveway and garage completely collapsed due to the weight of the ice and snow! Great! Just great! 

Thank god for the Ombudsman getting ahold of Billy on the ship. Hopefully USAA can get us the money fast, so we can start cleaning up!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

stupid snow!

Ok, so I will admit that I was excited about snow here in Norfolk, Va at first, but now its just getting plain annoying! Today I was suppose to go to the last day of wedding week and that was cancelled, I can't go anywhere because my car can't handle all of the snow and ice, and I dont know if I will be able to make it to work tomorrow!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!

On a lighter note, this is my snow Billy I made today!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow in Norfolk??

Yes, it is true! We FINALLY have more than 3 inches of snow!!!! I decided to venture out and take a few pics of the house and Chivy playing, then I realized that the wind was picking up. Hopefully tomorrow will be less windy so I can take a few more pictures!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Theses are a few pictures of Billy and the Rock of Gibraltar...which you can see if you look hard enough!